Title and statement of responsibility area
Title proper
Manifestation au Ministère des Terres et Forêts
General material designation
Parallel title
Other title information
Title statements of responsibility
Title notes
Level of description
Reference code
Edition area
Edition statement
Edition statement of responsibility
Class of material specific details area
Statement of scale (cartographic)
Statement of projection (cartographic)
Statement of coordinates (cartographic)
Statement of scale (architectural)
Issuing jurisdiction and denomination (philatelic)
Dates of creation area
Février 2008 (Creation)
Physical description area
Physical description
121 photographies : coul. ; numériques.
Publisher's series area
Title proper of publisher's series
Parallel titles of publisher's series
Other title information of publisher's series
Statement of responsibility relating to publisher's series
Numbering within publisher's series
Note on publisher's series
Archival description area
Name of creator
Custodial history
Scope and content
Sur ces photos on peut voir les organisateurs, messieurs Réjean Girard et Bruno Marceau préparant la manifestation qui aura lieu devant les bureaux du Ministère des Terres et Forêts. Sur les photos P95,S3,SS4,SSS1,P64 et P95,S3,SS4,SSS1,65, il s’agit d’un groupe d’étudiants de secondaire 3 et 4 venu manifester dans les bureaux. De gauche à droite, on peut voir ; Olivier Bouchard, Philippe Caron, Mike Simard, Sabrina Lapointe, Kathleen Steinmenzer, Audrey Fortin, Alexandre Girard Létourneau, Marie-Philippe Blanchette.